Strength For Life offers small group classes maintaining an emphasis of personalized attention. Fitness classes vary in group size, but we keep a small ratio of trainer to clients. We do this to focus on your safety, injury prevention, technique, and form. Our trainers design classes to be high energy and some may even say fun! We also make modifications as we go, so that individuals of all fitness levels will get a great workout with every class.
As an added benefit to joining Strength For Life for personal training sessions, you would have access to all of our small group fitness classes. The SFL personal training staff provides direction on classes that compliment and support your fitness program for the best results possible.
Please continue reading to learn more about the classes that we're currently running. Check back often for updates to scheduled classes and new ones being offered.
SFL clients that have met us for an initial fitness consultation are welcome to sign up for classes and programs using the MindBody site and app. If you're interested in signing up for our classes or programs, please contact us with questions or to schedule a complimentary one-hour consultation.
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